The Totally Rad Show Review

There are a few New Media shows I watch regularly. I figured I’d write up some reviews. First installment: The Totally Rad Show

What if three guys who liked movies, tv, video games, and each other decided they should make a show about three guys who liked movies, tv, and video games? They would make…. The Totally Rad Show.

I like this show, what can I say? The film reviews are actually very good – not just “that blowed up good!” stuff, but the kind of commentary that’s only possible if one spends way too much time consuming the media. The segment I usually skip through is their video game reviews, unless its a rare Wii game review.

Where I watch it: Living Room (these guys deserve the big screen!)

What works: Chemistry. These guys have it. They like each other, it shows. Half the time they look like they’re having way too much fun.

What doesn’t work: Cool. Sorry guys, you’re over the cool hill. Time to switch to adult haircuts.

Top-notch hi-def production quality, good editing, kitchy transition sequences, and all around good fun. Don’t miss it.