For a few days over the Thanksgiving holiday week I got a few updates as the hands team in the data center sifted thru the rubble. They decided after a bit to give me a service credit (NOT a refund) for the remaining nearly 6 months of my prepaid term. They did not offer to provide a replacement VPS as they don’t support that configuration anymore.

Joy. No backup. No server. So, I went shopping for a new VPS hosting company, and found Contabo – where I could get a low end VPS under $60/yr. Literally 15 minutes to sign up, pay, and get provisioned… excellent. You’re reading this now on the new VPS.

Turns out I had a few years old backup of the WordPress site. That, plus a bit of copy/paste from the internet time machine and I mostly recovered the blog data. That was after a couple days configuring the Ubuntu image to re-establish email, web, security, and monitoring services.

Fun times! Anyway, remember kids, always have backups. Maybe not on the machine you’re backing up.

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